We offer our guests the traditional public hamam experience. The tradition of the Turkish Bath was developed thousands of years ago by the Romans, and perfected by the Ottomans. The combination of deliciously warm water and heated marble slabs with the delicately perfumed soaps and old-world copper bowls is a feast for the body – especially while traveling.
Our public hamam experience is a traditional setting with an attendant who will walk you through the customary steps, then wash and lightly massage your entire body. A more rigorous massage is also available for those who prefer more of a deep-tissue style. The traditional Turkish Bath price is from 25.00 € and includes transportation from/to your area hotel. Many of our guests prefer to wear a bikini or swimming suits in the public hamam, however, they will give you a special towel (pestemal) to wrap up as well.
Other than local Turkish Baths you can find in the town centers like Goreme or Urgup you can also benefit from Boutique Cave hotels’ beautiful spa opportunities;
CCR hotel has one of the largest SPA in the region containing Hammam, Sauna, Indoor & Outdoor Swimming Pools, Fitness, Massage, Adventure Bath, Steam Room.
Turkish Bath also known as Hammam is a very important part of Turkish tradition. It’s coming from Romans but the Turkish Hamam took it’s final state with combining islamic rules by Roman bath.
The Turkish bath starts with relaxation in a room which is known as the warm room. This room is continuously heated by a flow of hot, dry air, allowing the bather to perspire freely.
Guests may then move to an even hotter room (known as the hot room) before they wash in cold water. After receiving a full body wash and a massage by the of bath attendants (rubbers) , guests finally retire to the cooling-room for a period of relaxation.
Scurf cleaned by rubbing will enable your skin to breathe and massage will give the body energy by accelerating blood circulation. Getting soaped, being surrounded by foam, getting rinsed and transferring from warm place to cold place enables you to get energized. Turkish hammams are based on steam bath.